Pure & Healty Drinking Water

We bring you the purest and healthy water from Najran Valley for more than 38 Years
A Trusted Name In
Middle East Region
Proven Expertise
Proactive Spirit
Culturally Attuned

Najran Mineral Water Co
Uaques Basic Water

2 mg/L
157 mg/L
5.6 mg/L
0.4 mg/L

Production Capacity
- 1500 ml PET bottle
- 600 ml PET bottle
- 350 ml PET bottle
- 250 ml plastic cup
- 5 L PET bottle
- 4 gallons PET bottle
News & Events

- najran
- Dec 25, 2023
Najran Water Company has successfully passed the Taste Award tests for supervisors!
We are pleased to announce with great pride that Najran Water Company has achieveda great achievement by passing the Taste Award tests for supervisors with an“Excellent” rating for the year 2024! This appreciation is a great honor for us, andreflects our strong commitment to providing clean and high-quality water to our valuedcustomers in Najran.Reaching this great success was not easy, as it required hard work and closecooperation between all members of the Najran Water Company team. Starting from thestrict commitment to the highest standards of safety and quality at every stage of watertreatment and packaging, to the continuous innovation in developing purification anddistribution technologies. Meeting the requirements and needs of our customers andalways striving for their satisfaction also played a major role in obtaining thisdistinguished evaluation.Najran Water Company has applied the latest purification and treatment technologies toprovide clean water free of impurities and harmful pollutants. The taste of Najran wateris characterized by its softness and lightness, making it the ideal choice for drinking andvarious daily uses.Obtaining the Taste Award for Supervisors is not just an achievement, but it is arenewed commitment that we make to ourselves to continue striving to provide clean,healthy and palatable water for all the people of Najran. We will continue to invest indeveloping our technologies, improving our services, and raising awareness of theimportance of drinking clean water for better health and a happier life.Thank you for your continued trust, and may Najran remain full of health and wellness.Najran Water Company

- najran
- Oct 01, 2023
Honoring the Prince of the Najran region, Prince Jalawi bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, to the Najran Mineral Water Company
Honoring the Prince of the Najran region, Prince Jalawi bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, to the Najran Mineral Water Company for its participation in supporting the celebration of the people of the Najran region on the occasion of the 93rd National Day